Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sleeping like babies next to the loo...zzz

While looking for a campsite in Piet Retief, I got a puncture right in front of Sundowner Lodge on the edge of town. We pulled in, pitched camp and fixed the tyre.  The clouds were twisting above us and the sky was getting dark. We decided on KFC in the tent when suddenly the biggest thunder storm broke out! After a few minutes everything was wet and the lightning strikes were next to us. The lapa was occupied, so our only other option was the ladies bathroom. I dodged the thunder carrying all our stuff under cover and Tania dried out the bedding. Regardless of the setting, we still slept like babies. This morning it was still drizzling, so we wrapped everything in plastic bags and hit the road towards the coast!


  1. Ja dis seker nie baie lekker as 'n ou se bedding nat reënt nie - maar dis seker ook deel van die fun van die trip of hoe? Vanaand sal julle eers die lekker bed waardeer. Ai daai pynappels lyk darem lekker!! Voorspoed verder en veilig ry in die "end-vakansie" verkeer môre. xx

  2. Hi Julle
    Ek sien die bottel links onder.
    Dis al medisyne vir n harde vloer.
    Sien dat die wind vandag van agter gaan wees so julle behoort te move.
