Thursday, December 24, 2009

Less than 24hrs, but WARNING: My patience with IT is on a diet

We're leaving in less than 24 hrs, and somehow it feels as if we haven't really planned or prepared at all. We've thrown everything we need to pack on a big pile on the bed, and looking at it I wander whether it'll even fit on the back of my bakkie... That said, I must say we're very excited and can't wait to hit the road and see where we end up the first evening.

A quick warning though, my patience with the technology is wearing thin! I haven't been able to set up anything on my new cell phone and the internet connection at home is slower than a fully loaded Motomia Enzo 125cc!

Thus, if the blog trails behind us for a day or two, do not blame our dedication to report, but rather my inability to master the mobile telephone...

Have a Merry Christmas tomorrow and pop by to see how our first day went.


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